Celebrating Our Clients DeAnne Carr and Heidi Schlabach!

  ·  Shawn Finch, DVM and Angie Werth, LVT

Meet our wonderful clients DeAnne Carr and Heidi Schlabach!

From our Hospital Director Angie Werth, LVT,

When I first met DeAnne and Heidi it was while assisting Dr. Krapfl with their dog Mia. Mia underwent numerous chemotherapy treatments and was the bravest patient I have had the pleasure of knowing.

Her playmate Molly was best known for grabbing a new toy every time she came in for a visit. Whether it was for a nail trim or a dental cleaning, she was such a pampered  little girl!

DeAnne rescued not one, but two, kittens. She found the kittens, Otis and Oliver, at her workplace near a dumpster! Sadly Otis succumbed to a cancerous tumor in his abdomen at the age of six. Later Oliver welcomed his little brother Oscar  to the family. Oliver is a big furry boy who has a penchant for foreign objects. He has had two endoscopies to remove foreign objects within six months of each other.

Needless to say, Deanne and Heidi have their hands full with this fun, furry bunch!

Sidney (Cocker Spaniel), Libby (Beagle) and Reese (Min Pin)

From DeAnne as told to Dr. Finch,

Tell us about your pets!

We have…

Libby (Beagle)

Sidney (Cocker Spaniel)

Reese (Min Pin)

Oscar (grey kitty) and

Oliver (our million dollar white and grey kitty).

Sidney, Libby and Reese

What do the adults in the family do for a living and for fun? 

We love to hang out with the four legged kids in our back yard around the pond.


What do the kids in the family do for fun?

Our four legged kids love to help us feed the fish in the pond, torment the cats and otherwise "rule the ranch.”

What are you doing, Libby? Oliver Kitty and Sidney look on.

Tell us more about the pets you have now and the pets you have had in the past.

Gentle Doctor has cared for all of my animals, and I would never go anywhere else.

Oliver and Oscar

What have you learned about pets that you did not know as a kid or before you had your own pets? 

I like my pets better than most humans! :)

Oscar Stretching!

Posted In: Our Practice