Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Do you groom all breeds of dogs?
A:  Yes!  We groom all breeds of dogs.

Q:  Do you groom cats?
A:  Yes!  Our groomer Sam grooms cats, and does an excellent job with them.

Q:  What is required before bringing my pet to be groomed?
A: We require all pets to be up to date on their annual exam and vaccinations. Dogs require rabies, distemper, parvo and bordetella. Cats require rabies and feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia (FVRCP).

Q:  Does my pet need to be a medical patient at Gentle Doctor Animal Hospitals to be groomed at Gentle Doctor Animal Hospitals Pet Salon?
A: No, we will groom pets from any veterinary hospital!  Call us to set up an appointment, and have your veterinary team provide you with your pet’s vaccine history for their grooming appointment.

Q:  How long does a grooming appointment take?
A:  Generally pets will stay with us for about four to six hours.  We bathe and dry them and then take all the time needed to get their haircut and style just right! When you make your appointment, we can tell you more exactly how quickly we can get them home to you. We also offer an Express Grooming option for a $25 surcharge, which gets your pet in and out very quickly.  Most pets truly seem to enjoy their “pampering” time, but the Express Grooming option is good for pets who tend to be nervous for grooming appointments.  We get them back home in their own environments as quickly as possible!

Q:  Do you offer Saturday appointments?
A:  Yes, by special arrangement only.  Please call ahead for an appointment.

Q:  What are your grooming rates?
A:  Rates vary by species and breed; please call us!