September 2014 Breed of the Month - Bengal Cats!

  ·  Shawn Finch, DVM

Sleeping Nala

Nala Resting

Every month at Gentle Doctor Animal Hospitals we choose a breed to highlight online.  Sometimes we choose the breed of the month based on rescue groups we love, sometimes we choose the breed of the month based on the pets we have in our own families and sometimes we choose the breed of the month because, in our professional opinions, the breed we have chosen to celebrate is just a great breed! 

Lestat walking

Lestat Standing

This month we chose Bengal Cats to celebrate because they are so gorgeous and have such neat personalities! We also chose Bengal Cats because our own Laura Drews has two wonderful Bengal Cats, Nala and Lestat.

Lestat and Nala

Lestat (left) and Nala (right)

Bengal Cats

The breed we have chosen to celebrate during September 2014 is the Bengal Cat.  We will spend the rest of the month celebrating this breed with you! 

Lestat in a bag!

Lestat in a Bag!

Joining the Gentle Doctor Animal Hospitals Breed of the Month Online Conversation:

Make sure to join us on whatever online forum you like best –




or right here on our blog in the comment section of this post.  What questions do you have about Bengal Cats?  What do YOU love about Bengal Cats?  Let us know why YOUR Bengal Cat or Bengal Cat mix is great! 

Figero, Oreo, Nala and Lestat

Left to Right - Figero (Who has passed away), Oreo, Nala and Lestat

Send us your pictures, your health questions and your stories.  We are looking forward to this month with you!

Lestat walking

Lestat Strutting

Posted In: Cats